There are a couple of rules I would like to remind before coming to a photo session. They can be summarized into 4 C: Comfort, Circumstances, Consistency and Color

∙ Comfort
∙ Circumstances
∙ Consistency
∙ Color
Recommendations for photo session outfits
If you have any question, or doubt, on how to choose and combine your outfits, do not hesitate to contact me and I will be happy to help you find your perfect outfit.
Choosing and combining the right colors is not always easy but here are some tips. Start with choosing the main color, which has to fit with the circumstances of the shooting. Based on that main color, you can then associate it with additional colors that are either opposite on the spectrum (orange and blue for example) or adjacent (like azure and blue). It is better to limit yourself to 3 colors maximum (white, black and grey are not counted here), and to prefer lighter colors in the upper part of the body.
4. Color
It is important to ensure that all participants wear outfits that are consistent in styles, fabrics, and colors. I advise you to avoid large patterns, logotypes, inscriptions, and everything that may attract attention. Also, the outfit should be consistent from head to toes, so that these red socks don’t start popping-out when you are sitting!
3. Consistency
Depending on the setting of the shooting or the seasonality, your outfits and their colors may have to be adapted. Shooting in a park during spring when flowers are blooming is not the same as in winter with a lot of snow. Also, a casual picnic is not the same as a gala dinner.
2. Circumstances
Wearing clothes that you really like and feel comfortable with will help you be at your ease during the session.
1. Comfort
© 2021 Julie Colombe Photography. All rights reserved.
designed by Sasha Orlova